Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday – August 7 – Navistar World Headquarters

This morning, we drove our automobiles to Lisle, IL to the Navistar World Headquarters.  This is a magnificent campus comprised of nine (9) buildings that Navistar has occupied since January 2012.  It was previously owned by Lucent Technologies and has undergone significant renovation and cleanup by Navistar. 

In addition to being Navistar’s headquarters, this facility houses the consolidated engineering and design groups for the major components of Navistar’s operations.  Members of the sales support and corporate communications groups met us and escorted us to a conference room where Bill Osborne, the president of Monaco RV, provided a brief update on the motor coach business.  Here, Bill announced that the motor coach division changed its name to Navistar RV earlier in the day.  Bill emphasized that building innovation and better quality into the motor coaches is his primary direction. 

 After Bill’s update, we were treated to an escorted tour of the engineering and design facilities.  We heard how aerodynamics and ergonomics are major efforts in all of the Navistar engineering efforts.  At the end of our tour, Navistar showed off one of their new Monaco Diplomat motor coaches.

 At the completion of the tour around 1:00 pm, we each went our separate ways for the afternoon.  Some went sightseeing around Chicago, some shopped, and others returned to the campground for a leisurely afternoon.

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